It is important that both internal assessment and external moderation processes are an objective, fair and reliable means of measuring achievement across candidates and centres. To this aim GCE and GCSE Art & Design candidates should be marked according to the extent to which they have addressed each of the Assessment Objectives specified within each qualification. Therefore, we recommend the utilisation of the respective Eduqas/WJEC Assessment Objective Checklist and Mark Schemes in conjunction with the Indicative Content for the specific title followed when conducting internal assessment.
These documents are available to download here (and on the Eduqas and WJEC websites) and can support the assessment process by helping you to understand the criteria and match up the descriptors in the mark scheme to your students’ performance at each AO. Once the correct box or band in the Mark Scheme has been determined you can decide whether the score is high, middle or low within that band and total up each Assessment Objective mark to achieve a total mark. The simplified ‘Assessment Objective Checklist’ version of the Assessment Objectives is also a valuable aid to internal self or peer assessments. Teachers have informed us that this document is particularly useful as a means of encouraging candidate familiarity and indeed engagement with the criteria for success.
In addition to the above assessment tools we also recommend reference to the appropriate marked exemplar (available in this section) to support comparative judgements and aid internal assessment procedures.
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Art & Design Mark Schemes / Descriptors
GCSE Portfolio / ESA Mark Schemes
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Art & Design Student AO Checklist
GCSE AO Student Checklist
Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Art & Design Indicative Content
GCSE Indicative Content – all titles
WJEC GCSE Mark Schemes / Descriptors
GCSE Portfolio / ESA Mark Schemes
WJEC GCSE Student AO Checklist
WJEC GCSE Indicative Content
GCSE Indicative Content – all titles
Eduqas AS Personal Creative Enquiry/A level Personal Investigation A Level Externally Set Assignment Art & Design Mark Schemes
AS PCI / AL PI / AL ESA Mark Schemes
Eduqas AS/AL Art & Design Assessment Objective Checklist
Eduqas AS/A Level Art & Design Indicative Content
AS/AL Indicative Content (PCI, PI & ESA)
WJEC AS Personal Creative Enquiry/A Level Personal Investigation/AL Externally Set Assignment Art & Design Mark Schemes
AS PCI/AL / PI / ESA Mark Scheme
WJEC AS/A Level Assessment Art & Design Objective Checklist
WJEC AS / A Level Art & Design Indicative Content
AS/AL Indicative Content (PCI, PI & ESA)